Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What a Surprise!

Okay... the "Daddy and Son" day was actually a conspiracy between my hubby, my sister, the WHOLE family (even Jebby's parents), and Jordan... BUT ME!!!

He went to Milwaukee to pick up my sister in the airport. My sister, Cheryl was giving me a surprise visit for a whole week! Funny, the dad and son day was mostly spent in the airport. Jeb has misread my sisters' flight itinerary. He thought her plane arrives at 10:45am, but actually that was the time she was leaving the Denver airport. So, he and Jordan waited in the airport for 4+hours. My hub said that Jordan was very good the whole time. They walked around the airport and probly went up and down the escalators a dozen times. He even got Jordan a little airplane souvenir.

All these time I thought they were actually somewhere having a grand 'ol time playing and such... they were in the airport.

When they arrived, my hubby hurriedly walked in the door and asked me to take Jordan out the truck 'cause he has to use the bathroom so bad. Okay, I put my snow boots on and walked to the truck on Jordan's side to take him out of his car seat. When I opened the door, I noticed the blanket that I placed in the truck (for emergencies like being stranded in the snow or such), was draped over something. And then, it moved... and then a faced poke out the blanket. That startled me, that I actually screamed! I thought someone got in the truck while Jeb was away. Enough to say, I took a good look at the "supposedly stranger tag-along" and it was my sister!.... and then I screamed again. This time because I was so happy and excited.

I kinda had a hunch that something was up. I kinda pieced pieced together of things I have heard/read and just the whole "strangeness" of it all. My hubby was very vague of where he would be taking Jordan and every time I ask him what his plan was, it was a different answer. Weeks ago, he kept insisting that I clean out the top bunkbed in the kids room in case his friend Mike would need a place to stay for the night while he was in town. Before Jeb left for his "little outing" he asked me to bake a pie. So, little things, like my other sister Meryl calling me that day and asking how I was and what I was doing and to call her back the next day. And when I ask why... she just said, "to give her an update on how things are". Okay, that is very weird... she never asks those questions or requests in any of our conversations before. And then almost not that long after Meryl and I hang up, my mom calls me too. Earlier, my mom-in-law calls me to and asked as to what I was doing... I said, I was tidying up the house and getting the most out of the time that I don't have Jordan to distract me. Later that day, she calls me up again and says that we are having dinner at their house. Weeks earlier, I was able to accidentally see a conference convo between my sister Cheryl and my mom about a supposedly "surprise visit", but I brushed the idea off when I confronted Jeb about the idea. All the more I got suspiscious is when my sister messages him on chat.

Granted all these hunches of mine, I am impressed at how my hubby kept the surprise visit a secret from me for a a little more than a month. Knowing him, I know he can't keep secrets very well... so I was totally shocked when he pulled this off. It is a great surprise and worth it :) Throughout the whole day, I was keeping my hunch a wish and hope that it would come true. I guess that's what kept me motivated to tackle a lot of things that Sunday.

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