Friday, June 13, 2008

A community lake in the middle of town

This is the most rain we have had in a long time. Yesterday afternoon, the kids and I were 'camped out' in our hallway and bathroom, waiting for the thunderstorm and tornado warnings to pass. It rained so much and so hard with thunders and lightnings -- it is just awesome! With all the rain of course, comes flooding. Our backyard and garden was flooded again. I shall say at least a good 4 inches of water. After the storm subsided for awhile I went outside to check around. I was curious because from my window in the office, I kept seeing cars drive by our road, and then they stop and then they drive backwards. I saw maybe at least 5 cars do it. I thought to myself... what crazy drivers. Are they just out to have fun?

went out to see what was going on, people are starting to flock down the intersection of Park and 7th Street (our street). Wow, the entire Park/7th street is flooded up to waist deep. I took some pictures but my video camera don't do much justice with taking pictures of it. I did take some video footage though and hopefully you can see just how crazy-awesome it is (If and when I get them uploaded). It is like a little water park :) We have our very own wading pool. When cars and trucks drive by it makes quite the waves... Jordan loved it. It is also funny to see quite a few people out there in their swimming trunk/suits. Anyway, my kids had a fun time being outside for a little while playing in our flooded backyard, until it rained again. This is definitely the day you don't want to be out driving in the streets.

I love thunderstorms. :) AND I love playing in the rain and puddles. :) I am such a kid at heart yet. They remind me of fun childhood memories.

I feel bad for the people who live close by the floodings and have their basements flooded. I have heard of some people I know who had problems with their basement flooding or rental units. Insurance companies sure would have a lot of cases from people claiming their flood insurances. I am glad I don't have a basement yet and won't have to worry of it flooding. The next house we will be getting though would be a little bigger one with a basement. We'll just have to make sure our sump-pump works well, especially in weathers like this.

1 comment:

  1. Laurie: "..dont drink the water, the water is yucky!" LOL!
